Alexa Kent-Langenwalter
Owner, Dance, Tumbling, Acrobatics, and Competition Coach
Certified teacher with Dance Masters of America
Certified teacher with Acrobatic Arts
Certified teacher with Alixa Flexibility
Certified Coach with USTA
CPR/First Aid Certified
Becca West
Dance Instructor
Company Dance Coach
K’lyn Sahl
Alisha Steburg
Dancer Teacher, Tumbling Assistant, & RockStarz Coordinator
Certified with Rhythm Works
Emily Laubenthal
Studio Manager
Associates Degree in Administrative Assistant
Norma Foster
Dance Teacher and Tumbling Assistant
Doris Blocker
Tumbling Coach
Certified with USTA
CPR & First Aid certified
Jordan Blocker
Back Row: Addison Laubenthal, Rosanne Curtis, Caelum Blocker, & Hannah Ellingson.
Front Row: Morgan Steburg, Abby Potratz, K’lyn Sahl, & Lillian Kelley.
In Back: Addison Laubenthal, Rosanne Curtis, Caelum Blocker, Alisha Steburg, Hanna Ellingson,Jordan Blocker, & Lillian Kelley.
Front Row: Norma Foster, Morgan Steburg, Abby Potratz, Alexa Kent-Langenwalter, K’lyn Sahl, Becca West, & Emily Laubenthal